Tuesday 10 January 2012

Spring is here (well almost!)

The first exhibition of 2012 is now underway at Bianco Nero.  In celebration of the fact that Spring is now just round the corner we are currently showing a selection of Carol Nunan's beautiful monotypes and collagraphs of Spring flowers.  It's really nice to see some snowdrops and erythrium to brighten the days in January. 

Carol is showing a range of her new lights and coasters, with the same designs as on her monotypes.

Alongside Carol's work, we are showing some of Richard Spare's hand-coloured drypoints of flowers which add a wonderful vibrancy and exuberance to the gallery. http://www.richardspare-kayspare.com/

The 2012 exhibition schedule is also now on the gallery web site so you can have a look at all the exciting things that are coming up during the year ahead.